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Notice Of A Change In The Percentage Level Of A Substantial Shareholder's Interest

BackDec 26, 2008
Part I
1. Date of notice to issuer 26/12/2008
2. Name of Substantial Shareholder Lippo Strategic Holdings Inc
3. Notice Type Notice of a Change in the Percentage Level of a Substantial Shareholder's Interest or Cessation of Interest.
Part II - Not Required
Part III
1. Date of change of Interest 23/12/2008
2. The change in the percentage level From 27.10 % To 22.30 %
3. Circumstance(s) giving rise to the interest or change in interest # Others

On 23 December 2008, Lippo Strategic Holdings Inc transferred out 50,389,000 LMIR Trust units.
4. A statement of whether the change in the percentage level is the result of a transaction or a series of transactions: The change in the percentage level is the result of a transaction.
Part IV
1. Holdings of Substantial Shareholder, including direct and deemed interest :
  Direct Deemed
No. of shares held before the change 287,695,000 0
As a percentage of issued share capital 27.10 % 0 %
No. of shares held after the change 237,306,000 0
As a percentage of issued share capital 22.30 % 0 %
Footnotes 1) Where reference is made to shares, it refers to the units in LMIR Trust.

2) The percentage figure held before the change is calculated based on a total of 1,060,414,000 units in issue as at the date of the last announcement on 26 December 2007.

3) The percentage figure held after the change is calculated based on a total of 1,063,993,187 units in issue as at 23 December 2008.

4) UBS is the sole financial adviser to the Offering. UBS, BNP Paribas Capital (Singapore) Ltd. and Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited are the joint lead managers, issue managers and underwriters. PT. Ciptadana Capital is the sole financial adviser to the sponsor of LMIR Trust, PT. Lippo Karawaci Tbk.

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