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Notice of a Change In The Percentage Level Of A Substantial Shareholder's Interest

BackDec 10, 2007
Notice of a Change in the Percentage Level of a Substantial Shareholder's Interest *
* Asterisks denote mandatory information
Company Registration No. N.A.  
Announcement submitted on behalf of LIPPO-MAPLETREEINDORETAILTRUST  
Announcement is submitted with respect to * LIPPO-MAPLETREEINDORETAILTRUST  
Announcement is submitted by * Viven G. Sitiabudi  
Designation * Executive Director and CEO, Lippo-Mapletree Indonesia Retail Trust Management Ltd (as manager of LMIR-Trust)  
Date & Time of Broadcast 10-Dec-2007 17:52:34  
Announcement No. 00075  
>> Announcement Details
The details of the announcement start here ...
1. Date of notice to issuer * 07-12-2007  
2. Name of Substantial Shareholder * UBS AG 
3. Please tick one or more appropriate box(es): *
  • Notice of a Change in the Percentage Level of a Substantial Shareholder's Interest or Cessation of Interest. [Please complete Part III and IV]
    >> PART II
    1. Date of change of [Select Option]  
    2. Name of Registered Holder  
    3. Circumstance(s) giving rise to the interest or change in interest [Select Option]  
      # Please specify details
    4. Information relating to shares held in the name of the Registered Holder
    No. of [Select Option] held before the change  
    As a percentage of issued share capital %
    No. of N.A. which are subject of this notice  
    As a percentage of issued share capital %
    Amount of consideration (excluding brokerage and stamp duties) per share paid or received  
    No. of N.A. held after the change  
    As a percentage of issued share capital %
    >> PART III
    1. Date of change of Interest 06-12-2007  
    2. The change in the percentage level From 18.11 % To 9.15 %
    3. Circumstance(s) giving rise to the interest or change in interest # Others  
      # Please specify details
    On 6 December 2007, UBS AG, acting through its business group, UBS Investment Bank ("UBS"), purchased an additional 1,803,000 units as part of its price stabilising actions effected to stabilise or maintain the market price of the units in connection with the offering of units in Lippo-Mapletree Indonesia Retail Trust Management ("LMIR Trust").

    With this, UBS has to date purchased a total of 96,820,000 units in LMIRT and has ceased stabilising action as of 6 December 2007. In this respect, the over-allotment option granted by Lippo Strategic Holdings Inc. to UBS to purchase up to an aggregate of 96,820,000 Units, solely for the purpose of covering over-allotments made in connection with the offering, will not be exercised by UBS. This results in the decrease in deemed Interest in LMIR Trust.  
    4. A statement of whether the change in the percentage level is the result of a transaction or a series of transactions:
    A series of transactions.  
    >> PART IV
    1. Holdings of Substantial Shareholder , including direct and deemed interest :
    No. of shares held before the change 95,017,000   97,030,000  
    As a percentage of issued share capital 8.96 % 9.15 %
    No. of shares held after the change 96,820,000   210,000  
    As a percentage of issued share capital 9.13 % 0.02 %
    1) Where reference is made to shares, if refers to the units in LMIR Trust.

    2) The percentage figures shown above are calculated based on a total of 1,060,414,000 units in issue.

    3) UBS is the sole financial adviser to the Offering. UBS, BNP Paribas Capital (Singapore) Ltd. and Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited are the joint lead managers, issue managers and underwriters. PT. Ciptadana Capital is the sole financial adviser to the sponsor of LMIR Trust, PT. Lippo Karawaci Tbk.  

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