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Notice Of Annual General Meeting Of The Unitholders

BackMar 20, 2020
Announcement Title Annual General Meeting
Date & Time of Broadcast Mar 20, 2020 6:42
Status New
Announcement Reference SG200320MEETOJA1
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Liew Chee Seng James
Designation Executive Director and CEO, LMIRT Management Ltd. (as manager of Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail Trust)
Financial Year End 31/12/2019
Event Narrative
Narrative Type Narrative Text

In view of the COVID-19 situation, the following precautionary measures will be put in place for the Eleventh Annual General Meeting (the "AGM") of the holders of Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail Trust ("LMIR TRUST").
Additional Text Unitholders attending the AGM will undergo a temperature check to be carried out by Mandarin Orchard. Any Unitholder with presence of fever (37.5 Celsius and above) will not be permitted to enter Mandarin Orchard.
Additional Text Unitholders will be required to complete a health and travel declaration form by LMIR Trust (or its agents) to declare your recent travel history and provide contact details for the purpose of contact tracing, if required.
Additional Text We may also at our discretion deny entry to persons exhibiting cough and/or flu like symptoms. If you feel unwell or experience any COVID-19 symptoms, please do seek medical attention immediately, and take time to rest and fully recuperate at home.
Additional Text This exercising of social responsibility will help prevent the spread of viruses in shared spaces such as the meeting venue.

To minimize contact between individuals, no food will be served at the AGM.
Additional Text We request that you please arrive early for the AGM in order not to delay registration process due to the above precautionary measures in place.

We seek the understanding and cooperation of all Unitholders.
Additional Text The Manager will continue to provide updates via announcement and its website should there be any latest developments and guidance on the COVID-19 situation.
Event Dates
Meeting Date and Time 23/04/2020 09:30:00
Response Deadline Date 20/04/2020 09:30:00
Event Venue(s)
Venue(s) Venue details
Meeting Venue Mandarin Ballroom 3, Level 6, Main Tower, Mandarin Orchard, 333 Orchard Road, Singapore 238867


  1. Notice Of AGM (Size: 451,188 bytes)
  2. Letter To Unitholders (Size: 239,251 bytes)

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