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Acquisition By Lippo Karawaci Tbk ("LPKR") Of Shares In Lippo-Mapletree Indonesia Retail Trust Management Limited (The "Company") And Units In Lippo-Mapletree Indonesia Retail Trust ("LMIR Trust")

BackMay 23, 2011

Lippo-Mapletree Indonesia Retail Trust Management Limited, as manager of Lippo-Mapletree Indonesia Retail Trust ("LMIR Trust"), wishes to attach for the information of unitholders of LMIR Trust a press release issued by LPKR earlier today relating to, among other things, the acquisition by a subsidiary of LPKR of certain additional units in LMIR Trust from an affiliate of LPKR. A copy of the LPKR Announcement is enclosed for the information of unitholders of LMIR Trust ("Unitholders").


  1. Announcement (Size: 73,645 bytes)
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